Brill Trucks and Birney Safety Car


Document Name

Date if known or circa



BRILL Bulletin 228 77E truck - 1917 1917 AETM 26/1/2011
BRILL Bulletin 259 77E truck - 1922 c1922 FOHTD 24/12/2013
BRILL Bulletin 200 21E Truck - 1920 c1920 BTMS 2/7/2013
BRILL Bulletin 306 177-E truck c1925? Rockhill 26/12/2017
BRILL Birney Safety Car - Specification No. 100 - 1919 10/1919 BTM 2/7/2013

BRILL City and Interurban Trucks - 1913. This large book has been broken up in the following sub-files.

Brill 1913 - introduction and title pages

Brill 1913 - Radiax Truck

Brill 1913 - 21E Truck

Brill 1913 - 22E Truck

Brill 1913 - 27E Truck

Brill 1913 - 27F Truck

Brill 1913 - 27G Truck

Brill 1913 - 27MCB Truck

Brill 1913 - 39E Truck

Brill 1913 - 50E Truck

Brill 1913 - Truck parts

Brill 1913 - Ordering a truck - information required.

Brill 1913 - Index to book.

1913 BTM 2/10/2015

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